We specialized in personalized and customized training that tailored to your needs to empower your team.

We provide innovative learning and development solutions, covering multiple areas and industries tailor to meet client needs.

Course offered

Our courses are delivered in both face-to-face ensuring training objectives are achieved no matter where you are.
Team BUilding
Create a collaborative, cooperative environment, and ensure that every team member contributes to group success on each activities
HR and FInance
Strengthen your HR game with human resources training for beginners to administrators and executives.
Soft Skills and Communication
Transform supervisors into leaders with management and leadership training that focuses on coaching, team-building and communication skills techniques.
code editor
ICT And Multimedia
No matter what your background may be, be confident that we will provide comprehensive curriculum to address the range of technical proficiencies you need.
Security Management
a wide range of courses to give you, your people and your organization essential security management knowledge.
ISOCreated with Sketch.
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
Designed to give you the relevant skills and knowledge to carry out audits again ISO standards
Our unique value proposition is what make our clients love us


We offer client high quality programme that are facilitated by certified, experienced and qualified trainers who are passionate and competent in their respective fields.


Programme offered are customizable and dynamics which are designed according the best practice, global standards and organization needs


Our strategic collaboration with educational institutions and the industry contribute added value to the programme and certificates we issues


ROI – we believe in giving you positive insights as a result from participating in our programs. Our post analysis training report provides your management team the impacts of our programs.

Contact us and get personalized and customized training for your team now!

Highlight training and courses for 2020

Team Building

Customer Service Excellence
(with Islamic module approach)

LEAP: Leading for Excellence, Action & Performance

Mental Health First Aid:
Managing Mental Health Issues in The Workplace

Kecemerlangan Dalam Pembentukan Imej Profesional dan Pengurusan Keterampilan Diri

Our Clients

Our clients, like our people are our most treasured assets. We nurture every client relationship with commitment, passion and integrity, which is the reason why most of our clients have been with us through the decade of our existence.

Contact US

Lets get in touch shall we?